Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Flu + Panic = wish I worked somewhere else right now

Alright. I understand. I DO. I understand that the news is making everyone crazy about H1N1 flu. I understand that a lot of people at once with a fever and not feeling well can make anyone uneasy.

BUT - my school has crossed the line from panic......to crazy. We have had a larger than usual number of kids out. Okay. We do have some kids out with "flu like symptoms". Okay. But this does not call for hysteria.

This is why I don't watch the news. This is why I stick with trash TV.

Today I worked a half a day because of Finley's doctor appointment (more on that in a minute). So, from 12-3:15, I did a handwashing class, and screened a second grade class for vision and hearing. AND in between that, I took about 8 phone calls and answered about the same number of emails from some of my favorite parents - all asking the same thing:

"How many kids are out of school today?"

Okay - stop. This is not public knowledge. Honestly. I can tell you that your school nurse should not be telling you how many kids are out, and what they are out for, and who has what, so on and so on. So don't ask her.

I had one parent go as far as to send an email to her child's teacher (who was out today) and ask her if she had the flu and if she feels she might have exposed the whole class. Are you flipping kidding me? That information is NOT going to be shared.

Rest assured that if there is a LARGE number of students out, the families will know. But we will not be causing mass panic. I had a parent call me today and say she might "home school her children for the next couple of weeks until H1N1 blows over". Yep. Sounds good.

Sigh. I am just upset. I didn't like to pacify a large amount of parents today. I want parents to STOP WATCHING TV. Just for a little bit. Just put on a happy, mindless TV show and watch that. Or read a book. Or take a walk.

Keeping your children out of school or causing panic at your child's school will not solve the H1N1 issue. Unless you are going to lock yourself in your house and not go to the mall, grocery shopping, out to eat, to the park, to get coffee, to Target, on and on an on - you may get the flu.

So, you have a couple of choices. 1) become a hermit. Hold your breath for the next 10 months until flu season is over.

2) Get a flu shot - seasonal or H1N1. Or both. TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR TO MAKE SURE IT IS THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR YOU OR YOUR CHILD. Do not ask your school nurse or your friends what you should do - make a decision that is right for yourself and your own family.

3) Do nothing and watch trashy TV or read a romance novel. You know.....have a life.

I am done with my soap box now.

Finley had her cardiologist appointment today. It went very well. She was really good and we were only there for a short while. The murmur is still there, but the doctor wasn't concerned. She really felt that it was an innocent murmur. She only heard it when she laid down. Since Finley is growing well, and doesn't seem to be bothered by running or exercise, then no worries. She was going to do some research on LCA and its relation with heart problems, and see if she needs to be concerned at all. But her gut is no, which was good to hear. Unless anything drastically changes, she said that we don't need to see her again for 2-3 years. Yay!

Cainan learned to make the letter A. He has been working really hard at it. The concept of making letters has been really hard for him. So, he and Mat have been working at it. He has "C" and "A" now for his name! Oh, and I. So - N is up next. Oh boy.

Arlington had to read a book tonight for school on bats. We found out that bats are not blind. Did you all know that? I did not know that. I still think they can't see very well, but this book states otherwise. Anyone who has real bat knowledge, please enlighten me. Where did the saying "blind as a bat" come from?

See - answering questiong like this are MUCH more productive than worrying about H1N1.

Tonight Arlington had Daisy Scouts and they had a costume party. She got to wear her Halloween Costume, so she was very excited.

Here she is doing her best Batgirl pose:

So that is all. Mat and I are going away this weekend for our anniversary (Mat set it all up!) and so I won't be blogging this weekend. My in-laws are graciously coming in to spend the weekend with our kids and taking them (gasp) trick-or-treating - willingly - while we are gone. We are celebrating 12 years of marriage! So we are going away. I will be back on Tuesday - well rested and hopefully with a lot of pictures from our weekend in New York.

Have a great week!


The Kovalls said...

Good news on the babies. Arlington looks awesome in her costume! Have a wonderful anniversary weekend - who are you calling old? :-)

Michelle said...

Clearly I don't call our school nurse enough.